Affordable Healthcare Frisco TX: The Benefits Of Regular Check-Ups

Published by Frisco TX Doctor on

Affordable healthcare Frisco TXIt’s likely that when you were young, your parents took you in for regular, well-child check-ups.  In a lot of cases, they may not have had enough – or any – affordable healthcare in Frisco TX for themselves so, like most parents, they put their children’s welfare ahead of their own.  Now that you’re grown up and have children of your own, you don’t have to make that choice.  Now, everyone in North Texas has the opportunity to get affordable healthcare in Frisco TX from 7 Health.

At 7 Health, we know you have hard budget choices to make every day; but we don’t think healthcare should be one of those things that should have to choose not to get because it’s too expensive.  Why?  Because routine care and yearly check-ups are vital to your health and they can keep you from developing diseases and conditions that will be harder to treat successfully.

Here’s what your yearly check-up may include, depending on your age, sex and family medical history:

▸  A check of your blood to monitor your overall health and specific things like cholesterol and blood sugar levels if you are overweight or have a family history of diabetes

▸  A check of your blood pressure and weight

▸  A review of your diet and exercise habits and a discussion about smoking and alcohol consumption

▸  Immunizations and boosters if necessary

▸  Testing for STDs and HIV if you feel you’re at risk

▸  Testing for colorectal cancer, if you’re over 50

▸  Screenings for your chances of developing certain diseases like cancer or diabetes

▸  A discussion about depression to assess your mental health status

In addition to the basic check-up procedures, there are sex-specific tests that your doctor may want to perform.

For men:  If you’re 50 or older, you will need a rectal exam to check for abnormalities in your prostate.  You may also need a PSA or prostate-specific antigen blood test to screen for prostate cancer.  If you’re between the ages of 65 and 75 and you have ever smoked cigarettes, you may need to have your aorta checked for an enlargement that could be life-threatening.  An abdominal aortic aneurysm can develop with age and a history of smoking.

For women:  Sexually-active women require a yearly Pap smear to check for cervical cancer.  All adult women also need to have a yearly breast palpation.  After age 40, if you have a family history of breast cancer, you’ll need a yearly mammogram.  Starting at age 65, you may need a referral for a bone density test to screen for osteoporosis, which typically affects older women.

Yearly check-ups and other affordable healthcare in Frisco TX are available to you now with 7 Health.  We offer a revolutionary plan that charges you a small monthly membership fee and just $7 per office visit.  With 7 Health, you won’t have to choose between paying your rent and seeing a doctor.  Call us today at (214) 501-5818 or visit us at to learn more.

Affordable healthcare Frisco TX
7 Health
9191 Kyser Way, Suite 602
Frisco, Texas 75033
(214) 501-5818

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