Family Health Care in Frisco TX: You Can’t Afford to Live Without It.

Published by Frisco TX Doctor on

Family Healthcare Frisco TXWe’ve all been there, a fever that unexpectedly spikes at three am with your ten month old baby, or a broken leg on your little slugger who stole third base. A medical emergency can strike at any time, even for seemingly healthy adults, and nothing makes the situation more nerve wracking than not having health insurance. Without insurance those emergency room visits to check out that fever, or splint that broken leg are going to cost more than you can imagine; and you may be paying the medical bills off for years. If you are worried about the state of your family health care in Frisco TX, there are some things you need to know to be prepared.

If you have no insurance or are underinsured, have children under the age of eighteen, are disabled, or pregnant, you may qualify for Medicaid. This is a government funded program that enables health care to be provided pro bono for the qualifying family that meet minimum income requirements. The peace of mind that comes from knowing your children are covered for every breathing treatment, allergy test, and sprained ankle is worth the time it takes to fill out all the forms and send in all the documentation to qualify.  If you don’t fit the requirements for Medicare, or have adults in your household that also need insurance, you can try your luck on the new health care marketplace.

When the Affordable Care Act mandated that every one had to be insured, it set up a marketplace that presents different levels of care at varying price points for those in need, who are not covered by their employer. This can be a boon for part time workers not typically offered benefits, or those who are self employed.  There are even stipends offered based on your income level that can reduce the cost of the plan to bring it into the reach of almost everyone.

It is important to understand that the government is also now interested in whether or not you have family health care in Frisco TX. A penalty will be required of all uninsured persons at tax time beginning with the 2014 fiscal year. The fines are set to increase with time as a gentle reminder to take obtaining health care seriously. The time to be uninsured on the sidelines is dwindling. It is important to make and implement a plan to meet the needs of your family.

If you are not currently offered health insurance by your employer, are underinsured, or or are unimpressed by the service provided by your marketplace plan, you need to get in touch with 7 Health. This innovative new company is providing a revolutionary and affordable way to supplement your family health care in Frisco TX. With plans starting as low as $77.00 a month that cover quick access to all types of primary care, you will be amazed at how easy and efficient health care can really be. Visit their website today, at, to view their pricing structures and discover the many services offered. Take charge of your families well being,and feel better.

Family Health Care in Frisco TX
7 Health
9191 Kyser Way, Suite 602
Frisco, Texas 75033
(214) 501-5818

Photo Credit: ilona75

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