Healthcare In Frisco TX Takes On Allergies

Published by Frisco TX Doctor on

Healthcare Frisco TXSpring is in the air, just around the corner and something to really look forward to unless you are prone to allergies. Healthcare in Frisco TX is all too familiar with what Spring is about to bring their way. Possibly the number one reason people see the doctor in the Spring. What is it that causes “Mother Nature” to wreak such havoc and make life so miserable?  What are the symptoms and what can be done about it to make coping more bearable and the quality of life what it should be?

Spring is a time of beauty. Blossoms at their peak and pollen is being released. Sneezing and sniffing taking their cue to run rampant. Over 35 million Americans suffer from some form of seasonal allergies annually. Pollen is the leading cause of allergies and it is a menacing enemy to feeling healthy in the spring. Pollen is a bi-product of flowers, trees, grass and weeds. Pollen travels quickly and spreads rapidly. Daily pollen counts are recorded and information is relayed, often through the media. The higher the pollen count the more misery for those who suffer.

When the nose inhales the pollen the immune system goes into a mode that brings on the symptoms.The pollen is not recognized by the immune system and is considered foreign. A chain reaction begins and the end results are the miserable coughing, runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, itchy eyes and that feeling of exhaustion. Allergies take a toll on your body. There is no quick cure or easy fix but there are remedies that can help combat the physical ailments that accompany allergies. Medications and monitored home habits can help keep symptoms under some control. Healthcare in Frisco TX professionals stay busy helping those patients affected by the onslaught of pollen.

Allergies are often genetic in nature. The onset is generally during childhood but some develop later in adulthood. There are other culprits that cause allergies such as mold, dust mites, cockroaches, dogs, cats, and rodents. Pollen can’t take all the credit. Asthma can also develop from allergies, not always but sometimes, and that is why it is important to control your allergies with the help of your doctors. Asthma attacks can be very serious and life threatening.

Spring is a time of year to be enjoyed and a time to be locked away in the confines of a closed off world because of allergies. Opening windows and welcoming the change of climate is a rite of passage of spring and everyone should enjoy this seasonal rebirth. Don’t let allergies get in your way, make you and sometimes those around you miserable. 7 Health a healthcare in Frisco TX is here to help. Let us help you take that breath of fresh air and really mean it.

Healthcare Frisco TX
7 Health
9191 Kyser Way, Suite 602
Frisco, Texas 75033
(214) 501-5818


Photo Credit: paulgrecaud

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